منظمة العدالة من أجل السلام (JFP) هي منظمة سورية غير حكومية هدفها الرئيسي هو تعزيز حقوق الإنسان وسيادة القانون وبناء السلام .
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“You’ve read about the impoce of the being courageous, rebelliousi and it’s imaginative. These are all vital for ingredients in an effective advertising they must.”

Patricia Muller
WordPress Developer
“You’ve read about the impoce of the being courageous, rebelliousi and it’s imaginative. These are all vital for ingredients in an effective advertising they must.”

Michael Clark
“You’ve read about the impoce of the being courageous, rebelliousi and it’s imaginative. These are all vital for ingredients in an effective advertising they must.”

Kent Milestone
Graphic Designer